



No wishes at the moment



Tag to be linked.


6io7 2/7 Class Blog Anderson Guides Aisyah Ajeeta Bixia Boon Kei Carol Celia Charissa Damien Denisa Dominic Elizabeth Eugenia Glenda Iylia Jerrica Jingpei Jingwen Junior Jingwen(Guides) Joy Juniors 6i08 Junisha Kai Min Kim Natalene Natty LiHong Vanessa Rachael Ren Wen Rosanna RuiJun Sharon Syairah Yi Ling Yi Ning Ying Hui(bangbangtang) Ying Hui

May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009


Basecodes Designer

Sunday, October 11, 2009,
1:26 AM


As you can see I'm bored D:


Sunday, August 16, 2009,
8:31 PM

There is this person called ranger aka jason harassing her and asking really stupid questions. Really pity her. D: From her tagboard you can see that he is really stupid. no offense, serious. 
Go to for more. Lol. :)
Just got back my maths paper, it ain't good. Oh, there will be reading lesson later and it gonna be damn boring. ZZzzzzzz. 
Ending here.

Friday, August 14, 2009,
6:34 PM

Going for the some youth bbq stuff later in the evening, hopefully it will be fun. :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009,
8:52 PM

in the com lab now and my com is banned from using facebook so im here using blogger. Like wtf! its like frigging unfair cos some are in facebook and im in blogger. GRR

Sunday, July 19, 2009,
3:42 AM

Bought my new phone today. and i love it like shit although its kinda heavy. (inserts many hearts)

Camera ---- Its not really mine though
Phone ----E63
Pink earphone!
YAY! :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009,
12:30 AM

OMG 2.4 tomorrow! Hate 2.4 manzxzx.

I am going to do a quiz, thanks to rosanna. And credits to her, yeah.

1). Wheres your girlfriend/boyfriend?- Don't have.
2). Name something you did yesterday?- Eat.
3). Last person you text messaged?-Junisha .
4). What colour is your hair?-black.
5). What was the last thing you cried over?- I dont remember
6). What something you really want right now, be honest?- PHONE!!
7). Is there anyone on your mind that shouldnt be?- nononope.
8). Do you have a little sister?- nope
9). Do you like to listen to the radio when you are in the car?- definitely
10). Who were you with the last time you went to the movie theater?-June, with glenda,rach and juju.
11). What are you listening to?- Nothing.
12). Do you sleep with a fan on?-no, aircon.
13). Do you get good morning texts from anyone?- not really, normally they just questions
14). Where is your cell phone?- on the table in front of me.
15). Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow?-have to! SCHOOL.
16). Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?- yahyahyah.
17). Did you speak to your dad today?- yeah.
18). Will tomorrow be better than today?- Idon'tknow.ihopeso.
19). Do you want to see somebody right now?- nope to lazy.
20). Your current relationship status?- my COOL single life. Being single is not so complicated.
21). Do you like it when you get kissed on the forehead?- maybe, maybe not.
22). Are you waiting for something?- MY PHONE! UGH!
23). Do you think the last person you kissed cares for you?- yes.
24). Do you text message a lot?- soso
25). When is the next time you'll kiss someone?- how would i know?!
26). What was the last thing you drank?- cold water?
27). What would your name be with the first three letters?- HAN?
28). Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?- idk.
29). Did you have a good day?- yehhh :D!
30). If you could move right now would you?- yar, i still have to do the quiz.
31). Are u happy with the way things are going right now?- not sure.
32). Do you like being in pictures?- Depends. But not really.
33). Where will you be in an hour?- watching tv
34). Is your heart broken right now?- nope, perfectly fine.
35). How old are your siblings?- 17.
36). Do you believe in love?- yeah, i think.
37). Do you think relationships are even worth it?-baby love? nope:D
38). Have you ever done anything outrageously dumb?- er, YAH . who hasn't?
39). Have you ever kissed anyone and never saw them again?- No.that's rubbish!
40). Where EXACTLY were you when you entered 2009?- watching the countdown on tv
41). Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with a D?- no.
42). Have you ever been back-stabbed by a friend?- Yes.
43). Who was the last person you cried in front of?- everyone?!
44). Summer or Spring?- Spring.
45). Are you wearing make-up right now?- No.
46). Confused about anything?- no
47). Do you prefer to call or text someone?- call.
48). Do you have a secret that you arent telling anyone?- don'tknow.
1). Last person you wrote a testimonial?- never wrote one before.
2). Sport you would least play?- soccer.
3). Last movie u watched with who?- ghost of girlfriends past
4). What do people first notice when they see you?- who cares?
5). Do you like peanut-butter?- no.
6). Most memorable place?- not so sure. i have lots!
7). Do you read comics?- if im bored
8). How pretty/handsome are you??- :X
9). Do u like earthquakes?- wth, ofcourse not. but they are kinda cool. i felt the building move and my hanging lamp was swinging.
10). Worst nightmare?- a grizzly bear chasing me
11). Most beautiful place you ever visited?- USA
12). Wannabe a celebrity?- 65% . :B
13). Do u like surveys?- No l;
14). Your high school best friend?- not sure.
15). Do you have a best friend ?- duh!
16). Your worst physical asset?- idk
17). Most people would describe me as what? IDK
18). One thing you hate about yourself?- don't think so.
19. Vegetable u hate?- i like some, some hate.
20). You like to go out on a grocery shopping?- Depends on what i buy.
21). Favourite person in the world?- Manymany!
22). Can you dance?- sort of
23. Favourite past time?- slacking
24. Are you happy?- Hmm, thinkso (:
25. Do you believe in God?- yes
1). Which is your favourite colour out of red , black , blue , green , yellow?- yellow.
2). Your 1st initial?- H.
3). Your month of birth?- may.
4). Which colour do you like more ? Black or White?- white.
5). Name a person , same gender as you .- rosanna.
6). Your favourite no. ?- 7 !
7). Do you like flying or driving more ?- Flying
8). Do you like the lake or the ocean more ?- ocean
9). Write down a wish . (a realistic one)- i want a phone!

When you're done, scroll down (Don't cheat.)
1).Red - you are alert and your life is full of love.]
Black - you are conservative and aggressive.
Green - your soul is relaxed and you're laid back.
Blue - you are spontaneous and you love kisses and affection from the ones you love.
Yellow - you are a very happy person and give advices to those who are down. [x]

2).A-K: you have alot of friendships and love in your life [x]
L-R: you try to enjoy life to the maximum and your love life is soon to blossom.
S-Z: you like to help others and your future love life looks very good.

3).Jan-Mar: This year will go very well for you and you'll discover that you'll fall for someone totally unexpected.
Apr-June: you will have a strong relationship that will not last but the memories will last forever. [x]
July-Sept: you will have a great year and will experience a major life-changing experience for the good.
Oct-Dec: your love life will not be great , but will eventually find your soul mate.

4).Black: your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at the time but will be the best thing for you and will be glad for the change.
White: you will have a friend who's completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you might not realize it. [x]

5).The person is your best friend.

6).This is how many close friends you have in your lifetime.

7).Flying: You like adventure. [x]
Driving: You are a laid back person.

8).Lake: You are very loyal to your friends and your lover are very reserved.
Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please people.[x]


Sunday, July 5, 2009,
5:23 PM

Youth day today so there's no school. :D
(i've been longing for this day. lol.)